The primary colors are 288C (blue), 109C (gold), and white.  Not actually in that order, as white should be the dominant color for most use cases.  Blue and white is a solid choice.

Never use 109C (gold) on white for things that must be readible as it will turn invisible under the wrong lighting conditions.  If you must have gold lettering on white, use 124C, a darker gold selected for this use case.  109C works for text if the background is 288C or black.

For settings where people consider dark blue to be too dark a color, you may substitute 640C for anything other than the Classical Statue Logo.  Please try to be consistent across time with this.

Depending on taste or exactly what message you wish to convey, black can easily be be a substitute background color for dark blue.

If you're wanting to match certain LNC produced materials, black or gray might work.  To use medium gray, use Cool Gray 9C for areas of effect such as backgrounds, and Cool Gray 11C for headline text against white. Please be sure to use 109C gold, not 124C dark gold, against Cool Gray 9C backgrounds.

If at all possible, main body text should always be black or white, ESPECIALLY if CMYK or similar non-spot color will be used.  Outside of specific exceptions, only text that is larger than main body text, such as text on a poster meant to be read from farther than point blank range should be colored for branding purposes.  One exception is if the paper color isn't white and one is making the body text the color of the paper (Neenah Astrobrights Sunburst Yellow paper is close enough to 109C).

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