End the ATF
End the ATF  
Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms should only be used as the name of a convenience store.

End the TSA
End the TSA  
The TSA is an intrusive security theater that does nothing to improve security

Vote Libertarian
Vote Libertarian  
Smaller version of the regular red and blue dashboard sign that's faster and less expensive to make if the dashboard is where you actually want to put it.

End the CDC
End the CDC  
The Centers for Disease Control are not your friends. Let's send our best and brightest medical researchers to less problematic institutions.

End the CIA
End the CIA  
The CIA, like the OSS, has been out of control and unaccountable from day one.

End the DEA
End the DEA  
The War on Drugs has been a war on the people. Let's shut down the enforcement mechanisms for this ongoing atrocity.

End the FBI
End the FBI  
The FBI was out of control and abusing its power from day one. End it.

End the FCC
End the FCC  
The FCC has been used to restrict who has access to mass communication from the start. As a result, what it has jurisdiction over has long been in decline.

End the FDA
End the FDA  
The FDA is a medical roadblock that kills far more people than it saves

End the IRS
End the IRS  
The IRS has a long history of thuggery. Let's replace it with nothing.

End the NSA
End the NSA  
The NSA is a government agency that listens to you. That's not what the government is supposed to be for.

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