A long overdue update from the previous edition, this kit contains a lot of ready-to-print button sheets, especially in the 2.25 to 2.375 inch range, message signs that just need correct notices for your committee/campaign/organization, a more accurate set of vector images for the Classical Statue Logo, the Hat variant, clip art, and more. Color and typeface specifications are the most current Traditional Libertarian Branding specifications from Libertarian Statue Press. It has nearly 500 files for you to use in your efforts to promote the Libertarian Party, its message, and its candidates.
An effort to push Libertarian Party branding back to where it belongs, the goal is to create and encourage the production of traditionally branded Libertarian Party materials. You can visit
libertarianstatue.com to see our current branding specifications, download the Classical Statue Logo in multiple formats, and visit our online store.
Signs of Texas Liberty started in 2005 and printed its first candidate sign in 2006.
The idea for a standard sign template came from the Virginia's Economy of Scale Project at the turn of the millennium. While we are not using that specific template, we have used the underlying concept: a consistent template that draws attention to the party as much as the candidate. A template designed to maximize cumulative recognition, even if each sighting is a different candidate or message.
Unlike that effort, we have persisted and continued to produce signs. While we have made some refinements to our template over the years, we hope that the current signs are recognizably similar to our James Werner for Governor sign in 2006. While modestly funded, we have provided more than 3500 signs for multiple candidates and issues since 2006. Obviously, with improved fundraising we could do a lot more.
Signs of Freedom is a currently unregistered 527 that is focused on creating message signs and similar items using the CSLSide sign template with less regulatory overhead than a political action committee.
The Classical Statue Logo was created sometime in the late 1970s by Dick Axtell of Keyes Art Service and reportedly first used by the Arizona LP. It was adopted by the Libertarian National Committee in May 1980, was immediately adopted party-wide, and remains in use.
- Major changes to typefaces and colors to better reflect historical branding and when not practical to parallel current as of 2016 LNC branding.
- Changes to sign and button templates to comply with decisions of a 2017 panel
- Clip art selection that includes alternative logos
- Message buttons in selections for multiple occasions
- Libertygramma AC, a public domain implementation of the Microgramma/Eurostile typeface used in party branding starting in 1972
- First Edition (The Humble Disc) June 2006 (Distributed only at LP Texas 2006 convention just outside of Houston)
- Second edition (The Denver Disc) May 2008 (Distributed only at LP 2008 national convention in Denver)
- Third Edition (The Fossil Creek Disc) June 2008 (Debuted at LP Texas 2008 convention in Ft Worth)
- Fourth Edition (The Vegas Disc) May 2012 (Debuted at LP 2012 national convention in Las Vegas)
- Fifth Edition (The Columbus Disc) June 2014 (Debuted at LP 2014 national convention in Columbus)
- Sixth Edition (The Bolingbrook Disc) September 2014 (Debuted at LP Illinois 2014 convention in Bolingbrook)
- Seventh Edition (The Las Colinas "Disc") April 2022 (Debuted at LP Texas 2022 convention in Irving)
All sRGB colors in this kit are the ones specified by Pantone.
Libertarian Statue Press, Liberty in a Box, and the Liberty in a box logo are trademarks of Libertarian Statue Press.
Many other names and images in this resource kit are trademarks of The Libertarian Party, Linotype, and others, and are used for identification purposes and not with an intent of trademark dilution.
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