Abolish the ATF Created in 1972, Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms should be the name of a convenience store, not a violent gang of bureaucrats who hate the armed citizenry.
Abolish the DEA The Drug Enforcement Administration has been at the forefront of the atrocities of the War on Drugs since 1973.
Abolish the IRS The IRS steals for wasteful and destructive government spending. Let's abolish it and replace it with nothing.
Abolish the TSA End useless and intrusive security theater, and protect privacy and civil liberties from police state tactics.
Demilitarize the Police The police department does not need an armored personnel carrier, nor should it be bursting down doors without telling anyone that they have a warrant.
End the Drug War Dismantle the prison-industrial complex, end the failed war on drugs, and empower individuals and communities to address addiction and substance use with autonomy and effective solutions.
Education Your Way Our 200 year old one-size-fits-whomever education paradigm is probably not what your children need for a rapidly changing world. Take back control.
End the Fed The Federal Reserve is a cartel that devalues our money, messes up our economy in the name of fixing it, and puts us into massive debt to fund whatever the controlling class wants. We were better off without it.
Freedom to be You The government has no legitimate interest in trying to define or redefine what you are.
Inflation is Theft Inflation only seems to temporarily create wealth. That wealth actually came from everyone else who was already holding the now-devalued currency.
Abolish Property Taxes Property taxes undermine private ownership. They also are the epitome of the power to tax being the power to destroy. We demand their elimination.
Keep and Bear Arms We're not going to require that you buy firearms to protect your family and community, but we strongly encourage the practice.
Abolish Traffic Cameras Politicians don't seem to care that they actually make safety worse. They bring in money they can misspend and that's what matters.
Vote Against Tyrants It's hard given the incentives created by our completely gamed election system and methods, but it's still theoreticlly as easy as only giving non-tyrants your vote when they're on the ballot.
Your Life Matters Your life matters. Whatever identity group you might get pigeonholed into is irrelevant.