Clip Art
Liberty Head
Logo-like graphic introduced circa 1990 and frequently used with publications and press releases
Weed Leaf
Public domain weed leaf
Porcupine Logo [MENU]
Porcupine logo (unofficial LP logo). Available in multiple color combinations
Break Free
Break Free Square Libersign from 1972
Diamond TANSTAAFL Libersign
Update of original party logo for the Nolan Chart in its diamond orientation
Square TANSTAAFL Libersign
Original Libertarian Party logo from 1972 that corresponds to the long-deprecated square orientation of the Nolan Chart
A carefully kerned LP.ORG for use whereever needed
Weapons [MENU]
Show support for the right to self-defense by any means necessary with this selection of stock images.
Dark Liberty Logo
2006 LNC logo (sans coin), set to 288C
Culpeper Snake
Public domain image by Vwanweb
Flame [MENU]
Modified version of the 2016 LNC Logo, available with or without torch
Splatter [MENU]
A selection of public domain splatters.
Woodcut Light Spot
A lighted background in woodcut
Public domain image. Tile for a backdrop or literally print and sell it as wallpaper if you so choose.
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