
Libertygramma is a public domain all-caps (no lowercase at present) implementation of the Microgramma/Eurostile typeface. Please use these fonts in any way you wish without any worry about restriction, unless you're redistributing modified versions and wish to call them Libertygramma (Libertarian Statue Press claims the name Libertygramma as a trademark and has what it hopes are agreeable conditions for its third party use).

These fonts are still in development.  It is recommended to convert all text to paths if you are doing vector work with these fonts and to visit libertarianstatue.com to see if newer revisions are available.

The extended width is mostly complete, includes support for possibly most languages that use a Latin alphabet (most stroke-accented glyphs are still pending), and includes multiple currency symbols (and some symbols missing from most commercial Microgramma/Eurostile implementations).  It is, however, the only font here that will work for general purpose use cases.  Kerning tweaks and other minor fixes are still up ahead for it.  Historically, this is the width that was normally used in Libertarian Party branding.

The compressed width is still missing most characters that are not letters or numerals.  It is very much still in development and may still have major kerning issues.  You will probably find yourself needing to make manual kerning adjustments.  Compressed has also been referred to as Dashboard Narrow.

All other widths are highly experimental.  You have been warned.  Please do not expect future iterations to look exactly the same.

ZIP file with fonts for Libertygramma AC

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